Just when I was finally ready the other day to buy a bundle of pens from Platinum’s second Preppy Wa Collection, I see that the THIRD collection has dropped! And it looks more-fancy / less “cute” than pens in the earlier collections, maybe embodying more of the “Modern Maki-e” it’s named for / styled after (not actual traditional maki-e, but inspired by / imitating the technique more affordably).
I’m a little overwhelmed … time sure flies when you’re saving up for limited editions, even at this super-entry-level price point.
The newest collection pens appear to be priced at ten dollars, with pens from the older collections being available at some resellers for under eight dollars. Two dollars and some change might sound like insignificant savings, but when you want to buy them all, it does add up to make a difference (the cost of a whole additional Preppy or two). Especially for folks who are already budget-limited to plastic pens like these that are basically priced as small disposable toys. Notice I just said Platinum Preppy fountain pens are *priced* like disposable toys; Preppies deliver value, pleasure and utility far beyond their price, and great longevity, too, if you treat them with moderate care.