by P. M. Starr | Mar 1, 2025 | Aesthetics & Style, Colors, Doodling & Drawing, Inspiration, Philosophy, Pure Pleasure, Red, White
Where we live isn’t a place known for graffiti or problems with tagging, but there are a few places where people have left their marks in public places that feel enchanted. This is one of them: No idea what these marks mean or signify, & I don’t want...
by P. M. Starr | Jan 23, 2024 | Ferris Wheel Press, Fountain Pens, Grey, Inspiration, Journaling, MINE, My Colors, My Fountain Pens, Orange, Parker, Platinum, Purple, Quotations & Excerpts, White, Wisdom
National Gratitude Day 2024 Spent some time pleasure writing by hand for National Handwriting Day with this Michael J. Fox quote: “With gratitude, optimism becomes sustainable.” – Michael J. Fox I belive it is true, that gratitude is spiritual fuel...
by P. M. Starr | Mar 27, 2023 | conversion, eyedropper, Kaweco, Multicolor, My Collection, My Fountain Pens, White
Normally I would not want to do anything to compromise an LEs color (in this case, a shimmery pearlescent white), but today I went ahead and converted my Iridescent Pearl Kaweco Sport to an eyedropper fill. Why did I decide to do this? What color did I fill it with?...
by P. M. Starr | Feb 6, 2022 | $50 to $99, Aesthetics & Style, Aqua, Blue, Buying & Browsing, cartridge, Colors, Filling System, Fountain Pens, Multicolor, Narwhal, Orange, Philosophy, piston-fill, Pure Pleasure, Silver, Vanness Online, White, Wishlist
Color Swirls Bring JOY! What’s next on my to-buy list? I’m trying to prioritize buying entry-level good-for-beginners fountain pens. For research, so I know best what to recommend, and because there are tons of great reasons to expand my collection of “cheap”...
by P. M. Starr | May 31, 2021 | $225 to $300, Laban, Price Points, Silver, White, Wishlist
image source: Laban 2021 catalog This pen keeps jumping out at me when I flip through the Fahrney’s catalog. Adding it to the wishlist category here even though it’s out of my price range and not a priority (the first pen I buy over $75 is likely to be a...