by P. M. Starr | Jun 6, 2021 | Black, Colors, Dryden, Green, Platinum, Pure Pleasure
Green Pleasure Swirls Wanting to run this not-so-great green ink out of my pen so I can put in a green I like better: a perfect excuse to make poison smoke drift across the page. Not that any of us should need an “excuse” to just enjoy doodling … Dryden Emerald Green...
by P. M. Starr | May 31, 2021 | Black, Blue, Brown, Colors, Diamine, Fountain Pens, Journaling, MINE, My Collection, My Colors, My Fountain Pens, My Spaces, My Writing, Other Pens, Parker, Pentel, Platinum
Brown, Black & Majestic Blue .. Two-column Wants & Gratitude page in journal today started with a focus on the color BROWN: wanting more brown, and being grateful for all of its richness. I definitely need to make a better show of this / take a photo with a...