Time, space and privacy: the pleasures of handwriting on paper.
PleasureWriting.com is a space FREE of the compulsion to instantly react via comments or social media engagement.
If you feel inspired to make contact with me, send tangible notes (and/or other hand-touched but not necessarily hand-written) ephemera to my mailbox:
While it’s unlikely I’ll have time to respond, the surprise of your time, touch and kindness will certainly make me smile.
Please no expensive gifts or anything else that would cause a loss or hardship (or hurt feelings if I do not reply). I do like stickers, stamps (especially if you’re hoping for a response), scratch tickets, weird little shapes and drawings, splatters of your favorite color(s) (please nothing heavily-laden with genetic material, my dudes), stories about pleasure writing and introversion, and notes about your favorite things (ex. your fave writing or art tools, books, places to experience pleasure writing, where you live, leaf shape, etc.).
NOTE: I am not pleasure writing in hopes of creating traditional friendships or connections, but to cultivate the special kinds of quiet distant love best enjoyed by introverted strangers.